...What...What just happened?
...What...What just happened?
Just remember: P.O.O.P.
Funny how most of the "unprofitable ventures" are IP's Kingdom Hearts fans want most and would fit the franchise really well.
I forgot Al had that optic cammo thing
Would be a dream come true, if they weren't so...aggressively predatory about it.
Well, that sure was something!
Ha! You animated it! XD Could've done without Psyclops popping in and saying "What've you done to the professor?!" at the end, though. That felt a bit random and unnecessary.
Think so? I thought it was classic Summers behavior.
That was awesome!!!
She's a beauty <3 <3 <3
I like to draw. Mostly furry stuff. Open to commissions ranging from $30 to $60, as well as art trades.
Joined on 1/11/22